Today’s healthcast and researchers are really hoping a new study will get more people to follow an active lifestyle locals and medical specialists Christie Krueger is here now with the details well this study is specifically for those who may be at risk of chronic liver disease the study claims that activities like just walking and muscle strengthening will significantly reduce the risk of liver related death and disease dr. Tracy Simon and her team followed more than 60,000 women and 40,000 men for more than two decades and those who had high levels of physical activity had a much lower risk of liver problems this research is significant as past studies only really looked at short-term exercise and its impact another important study to tell you about this when looking at heroin addiction the very trendy CBD oil products those made from out of marijuana can actually help addicts reduce their cravings nearly 400,000 Americans have died of opioid related causes since the year 2000 researchers in New York first studied the effects of CBD oil in animals and and heroin and then they’ve shifted their focus now to humans with past drug use and they were actually placed into three different groups one group received a placebo another received a high dose and the other received a milder dose of CBD oil they were also exposed to drug-related cues to see if they were more prone to any cravings and the revolt results showed that CBD oil reduced their heart rate and those signs of cravings significantly now more research is still needed as it’s been possible to prove if these findings were due to the use of CBD oil alone boy it’s certainly an encouraging start and that’s your health cast today i’m kristy krueger
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