How to do Chiropractic Cracks for Curvy Ladies with Tight Back
Chiropractic Stress Relief helps crack stress out of tight spots on your entire body.
In this article I’m going to be explaining a wide variety of chiropractic adjustments to get spots like your hips your shoulder, your back, your waste, your neck etc. to get released from stress.
As we go about our daily lives, our bodies accumulate stress and if we don’t release this stress, then we become completely overwhelmed by this accumulated stress in our bodies and this can cause pain and even illness. So, we need to find a way to relief our bodies of this stress.
To relief your body for a lot of tension at places like my lower back you’re going to put your nose right about here and you’ll be on your belly and we’re going to do some good stuff. What do you think is the more tense? your shoulder blades or your lower back? What I’m feeling here is just super tight traps the rhomboids. Rhomboids are tight.
Here is what we are going to do:
Turn your head this way good and put one leg over each corner there you go so I’m going to turn this way all the way through this way let this drop got it so that gets the ones under the skull really high up did you hear those yeah i heard them all back your head okay and you’re going to pull your hair through if you don’t mind helping yeah good so then it goes this way and then it comes back make sure your necklace do you see how your necklace make sure it’s not catching under there you don’t have to take it off just as long as it’s not pinching so I’m going to kind of let you feel the stretch a few times okay I’m not going to do it yet I’m just going to let you stretch good now take a breath in and we’re going to do one okay and blow it out did you feel anything release yeah my neck okay so it’s wild because we’ve already adjusted your neck so many different ways so now scoot all the way back do you have all your pieces your earrings okay don’t you feel like that’s when you should stop like when jewelry hits I’m so relaxed that’s awesome but when jewelry hits the floor and it’s like all right everybody let’s stop so I’m going to adjust this next okay oh my gosh I heard that’s so loud how many were there was more there’s more I think like 10 went right have your knee hover a little bit I’m going to take your wrists and pull you through doubling your arm up you hold your own back of arm and I’m going to put my hand through about four l three two one so we’re going to come all the way down low here there’s one now I’m going to do more so big breath in and blow it out oh my gosh there’s more right [Music] so now bring your pillow and come back to this side and now line your side again and I’m just going to do the regular one that worked better okay got it oh my god you hear all those yeah all the way up all the way up your back right yes okay so now oh you could put this under your head let’s leave it there you just pull your leg out a little cut it from your hip but sometimes your ankles go at the same time wow good so this time we’re going to focus on this ankle so we’re going to come in really close here one more okay then we’re going to come down here let me do this one next right here that one doesn’t want to go but that one did right there so now sit up here put your back to me again and scoop closer to me and put the back your hands together like this and now lift the arms high in the air you feel anything go on that one okay so now I’m going to do this right here wow hear that those are good into this right there that’s okay so big breath in and blow it out and do a much bigger breath in and blow it out oh my god wow i know did that give you some relief yes we’re going to do one above it now you can keep your head that way okay so I’m still going to be on the right hard to hit here because there’s a transition area but let’s see what can happen nope that one didn’t go head back to center so next I’m going to have you come sit up now is that the spot that really hurts yes then our pad there that felt good and pull your hair through in here hold this for me up on your belly and scoot all the way down towards me keep coming keep coming and what I’m going to do is I’m going to secure your legs oh that’s maybe two keep you from sliding do you ever see in the videos that we sometimes hold the legs so this works in a similar fashion and it keeps you from sliding too much so now you’re going to take a big breath in and blow it out oh my god that felt amazing i really felt all of that pop in my neck did you feel it mostly on the neck or a little lower too like just right here it kind of good though right yeah but mostly on my neck so i did feel it here but it was mostly like all the pops in my neck wow have you ever done that before or was that the first one no I’ve done you yeah we did it once right so um I think it works to hold the legs down you get a better pull right yeah there at the lower it’s very little but it’s still there do you feel this right here yeah right in there if I if I push in yes okay so that’s going to go next wow I didn’t think I was going to feel it like that loudly it was a loud one right yeah okay so I’m going to release these now i want to pull a little bit through the leg I feel like there’s a little bit of tension right here in your hip and your through your leg and your ankle it’s a big breath in and blow it out okay yeah now I’m going to do this spot this is probably a good angle to see this because I’m going to get the ankle this time got it next I’m going to reach under and make sure i didn’t miss anything in here so turn your head this way so we don’t bump heads that’s good let’s do a lower wrap up even more those are good so now line your side facing me and hold your wrist just to position your shoulder this will be for the lower back got it oh my gosh wow that was a big one too yeah if you made it to the end of the video guys and girls thanks for watching and don’t 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